Frequently Asked Questions about Webon

Q. How many sites can I create?

A. There is no limit to the number of sites you can have on your Tripod account.  Each site that you do create will have a unique url. The limit is actually the amount of disk space you have on your account. Free accounts come with less disk space, paid accounts with considerably more. If you run out of disk space you won't be able to create new sites or upload new media.

Q. Can I add additional pages and features to my site?
A. Yes, you can add as many pages and features as you like. It's all built-in to Webon and already a part of your account.  Visit the help page, Page Manager for information on adding, removing and deleting pages, and other capabilities available to your in the Page Manager. 

Q. What if I don't like the style choices?
A. Once you move it into Webon you can choose from any of the dozens and dozens of Webon styles. You can switch styles as often as you like with just a single click of your mouse.  Visit the help page on Design Styles for information on changing your Webon Style.

Q. What URL will my site be published to?
A. It's your choice... the 1st time you use the tool it will ask if you want to publish to the "main page" of your account, which means that the site will be published to (where your_username is your actual username... so if your Tripod username is, "marysflowers" then your site would be published to OR... you can publish to a"subdirectory" of your account such as "family" (so if your Tripod username is, "marysflowers" then your site would be published to

Q. How do I connect a Domain name with Webon
A. It's actually pretty simple. The gist is that you point your domain to a folder in your account with the Domain Tools…either to the root of your account or at a subfolder you make. Then you publish your Webon site to wherever the Domain is question is pointing and the Webon site will appear at that Domain Name. 

Q. Can I customize my design Template with my own graphics?

A. Yes, you can. Click the "Customize" link and you will see a listing of the CSS for the Style you are in. Editing styles requires a decent knowledge of CSS to operate effectively.  You can edit the options at will. You can also go further in and click on "Source View" and edit the CSS directly.  When you are happy with your changes you can save the edited style as a custom style. 

Q. Can I have my own 404 error page with Webon?

A. Yes you can if you have a paid account.  To do this you will want to create a page and name it "error404" (no need to enter .html - the system will automatically do that for you).  Remember for to uncheck the box "Show link in the site navigation".  You will not want your 404 Error Page to display in your navigation bar.  For some ideas on what you can do with 404 pages and why they are useful to customize, please click here.

Q. How do I change my page order?

A. To change the page order in your navigation, you will want to follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Page Manager from the Webon editor

  2. Select the page that you wish to move under the My Pages section of the Page Manager

  3. Move the page up or down depending on where you want it to appear in the Site Navigation. 

  4. Click the "Save" button once the pages are in the order in which you want them to appear

**Remember to "Publish" your changes once you are done editing for your changes to take place on your public facing website.

Webon One-Page Instant Site Builder FAQ's

Q. How does the Webon One-Page Instant Site Builder work?

A. It takes the information you give it by filling in a form,automatically places that information into a Webon site, and publishes the site to the Internet.

Q. How long does it take to make a site with it?
A. Just a moment or two.

Q. Do I have to fill in all the text fields?
A. No, you can fill in as many or as few as you like. There are no required fields.

Q. Can I make changes to my site after I publish it?
A. Yes, once you click the "Publish" button the site will be moved into the Webon Editor and you can make as many changes as you like, as often as you like. When you are happy with your edits, click "Publish" again and your changes will go live. Do this as often as you like.

Q. Can I use the One-Page Instant Site Builder tool to edit my site again?
A. No, but you can edit the site with the Webon tool as often as you like. The Instant Site Builder Tool can be used again and again but each time you use it you will be creating an all new site.

Q. Can I see an example of what the published site will look like?

A.Yes, there is a sample site you can look at. Be aware that this site uses one of the Webon styles... but there are many others to choose from.

Click to see Sample Site

Q. I published and was happy and logged out, now it's later and I want to edit my site again... how do I find it?
A. Sites you create with the One-Page Instant Site Builder will appear in your Tripod Control Panel under the "Webon Site Manager" area... right at the top of the page. Just click the link that says "Edit" next to any site and you'll be taken to the Webon Editor where you can update and change your site at will.